Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, November 12, 1995
Message from Our Lord to Edson Glauber

On this day, Jesus communicated another message intended for all priests:
Tell my daughters, that I dwell in this dwelling with great pleasure. I wish to spread the word of My Mother's coming for December 12 in Itapiranga. I wish that you and your mother write down everything that I and my mother are manifesting to you, and that it be passed on to my servant that I sent to you so that he would enlighten and guide you regarding this work, which we are doing here in Manaus and in Itapiranga.
Always keep in touch with him and transmit to him what I will ask you from now on, without excluding anything, but transmitting everything with great attention and fidelity. My Mother and I bless you, as well as all those who are willing to collaborate in this work. Pray more for your bishop and for the servant that my Mother has appointed as spiritual director.
You should always keep in touch with him too. Tell him that my Heart exults with joy to see that he is working on this work here in Amazonas. Tell him, that my hands are laid upon him and that all that I am accomplishing here will be fulfilled in due time. Everything that I and my Mother initiate will always be fulfilled in its due purpose and time. Pray for the priests and for all those who are working to spread my messages that we communicate to you.
I come to shed my light and my peace in the Amazon. I wish to help my beloved children in their hard work of evangelization. I know how hard they have struggled to bring my word to all the people and how difficult their apostolic work is, so I tell them: do not be impatient and do not lose hope. I am at your side to help you.
I and My Mother are here with open arms to welcome everyone into Our Sacred Hearts. My Mother and I love you and are always with you in any tribulation, even the smallest.
Do not be discouraged. Have courage. Live in the peace of my Sacred Heart and in the peace of my Mother's Immaculate Heart. Spread my image and my peace among the young people. May the youth see in you my Face.
Be the reflection of my Image. You have received a great mission, the mission to be messengers of the peace of God, of the Living Word of God. Pray more as true apostles of my Church. Be firm in your vocation. Be united to your Bishop and help him with your prayers and with your filial love. Do not abandon him, but obey him as obedient children to the Father of the family.
I would be very happy if all of you would live as a true Christian family, united in its fundamentals. May there be no division among you, but unity. I, Our Lord Jesus Christ bless my beloved children and especially all the bishops, together with my beloved among them all, Pope John Paul II: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!